people are scared to get scammed, fact. jagex can either learn item restoration for example, you get scammed provide jagex with information and they take the item back from person who scammed you, ban them and give your stuff back. or introduce an anti scam training camp. to be honest the current trade system is very apparent to not get scammed anyways. The old wilderness was the main reason, the main heart and they took it away. i got scammed twice throughout my runescape history and that always taught me to be more aware. when you get scammed for something expensive in runescape, you learn. you learn, even in reality this stuff happens. the whole point in rpgs is good vs evil (binary opposition). people who scam are just representing the evil representations of roleplay. it's a game, not everyone is your friend, just learn and move on and come back stronger and more safe. and jagex please need top listen to their players more because it feels like they dont respect our opinions with a rapid response, makes the feel very unserious about their business
10-Jan-2011 15:27:06