I was personally one of the people that always used to pk, absolutely loved it and as anti-nerd as I can sound - it really upset me when the update came out on 10/12/2007.
I raged on the forums for as long as I can remember and have been raging and raging for years at it coming back. I even quit for a year and I only came back about 3 months ago
But you have to think about this from an UnHatredForJagex'sFailUpdates point of view...The new pvp system isn't bad FOR ME. I don't know how it works tbh, I don't know if it's combat level or KO's ( Cause it's certainly not EP ) but something in this game determines your drops, in a way, im gonna miss this PVP? Never thought i'd say that. I mean apart from when im bridding, and fighting other brids in decent gear...I won't make as much money pking as I do now. All I gotta do is risk 250k rune in edge, with a scim/claws or an AGS and I can get loot upto 15 odd mil. Which tbh im pretty happy about...
However, I have a friend in real life who has a fairly low level pure, he can kill a dude with 100% ep over and over again and he literally NEVER gets anything, he's had like 200k loot tops? Which - for want of a better word - ... sucks?
I do raise my hat to jagex for how they've done this PVP system and they've definitely kept out RWT'ing in this sector. The pvp now isn't terrible. It works if you're high enough combat and good enough to get that kill. For lowers levels...dunno what to tell you X_X...
As for the free trade, in all honesty i'm not gonna beat around the bush, I want this back so I can give + take as much frmo a certain person as I want. This will definitely revolutionise godwars as you can duo in a non L's world + split drop in trade like the good ol' days.
Furthermore, staking is the one i'm most happiest about. I definitely cannot wait for staking to come back, i made my first ever 10-20-30-40-50m - and so on - there. Honestly can't wait, i've been power training dun to get rapier for it <3
Thanks 4 reading :3
10-Jan-2011 04:44:55