Iv just engaged a player on my f-list, who informed me that they had voted for me. I correctly explained what the old wildy and free trades means to me. With lot of scams, hacked accounts and so, etc. ...
Then I asked them how they would feel if somebody was voting for them, escpecially if the vote was not their choice, means the opposite of the human who made the vote in behave of another human. After the explaining part and my feel about what they had done in behave of my name, without informing me first and without aproval of me, I wished them luck with the old wildy back thing and I removed them from my f-list. I dont want players on my Friends-list who in potential would, or could also scam me.
A form of ignoring, Iv as player.
The player in question didn't seem to enjoy my decision to remove her from my f-list. ...
"Ehm, sry ur 'choice' to vote for me, but do u think it was my choice?". This is my choice: "My choice to add and delete players from my f-list".
Ehm, 2nd thought, a bit harsh maybe, but Iv engaged to much humans in life that have tried to scam me, ingame and outside Rs. Sometimes they succeed, sometimes not, but I try to stay as far as possible from humans who in potential are willing to scam others, including me ...
Humans who are in potential want to scam others, including their own friends by voting for them, which is also a scam in my opinion, dont belong on my F-list.
I'll see what happens to this whole issue in 2011. I can imagine there will be seperate servers, worlds, for the humans who are willing to scam (and how to learn scam) others, be called like Rs2-OldWildyStyle and the the Rs2-NewWildyStyle, scam- and bot-free for the humans who dont want to be involved in this. I hope the hiscores would be also then split, but thats more a sidenote for me, cuz I like to play the game and I dont play only for HiScores, escpecially if I know the Xp isn't/wasn't earned in a Honoured way, means with no scamming, betraying others.
22-Dec-2010 03:24:43