i dont mind if it comes back both results have good pro's and con's but just seems a waste to sit looking at a result that wont change, for 12 days..:s
im also an old generation player and i fully agree that removal of free stakes was great, because RWT is going to come back bigger and stronger from all the rich skillers that quit pvp and became multi billionaires from pvm/merching.
RWT is coming...
me as a player iv played a fare bit of years. ever since the wildy has been taken away its been boring boring boring...... theres no thrill say some 1 quits he cant trade u his wealth, say ur pking at pvp u cant smite ag* whitch rely wrecks the whole point of smite and the thrill of pking.
I'm glad to see Jagex is finally considering to bring the old wilderness and free trade back into the game. I think it's great that 'YES' currently has the majority of votes and as to the rumours of people creating bots only to vote yes I don't know what to say. Maybe it's true, but I'm almost certain that 'YES' would have the majority of votes anyway considering how many players have been asking Jagex for the old wilderness ever since its removal back in 2007.
I created my account shortly before Halloween in 2005 and all I say is I remember what the game was like back then. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion on this matter and here's mine;
-About the wilderness...
I've never really been a serious PKer and I've certainly never made any great profit killing other players. But I loved going into the wilderness with a friend or a small clan just for the thrill of it. You never knew who you would encounter there. Sometimes I came across really powerful clans that squished me like a bug in a matter of seconds and sometimes I was lucky enough to get myself a kill and with even more luck a small profit. I really enjoyed the experience of the old wilderness, even though I got lured a few times in my early days. But I learned to take care of myself! To me, the post-2007 wilderness is less challenging, less entertaining and more annoying (Revenants) than the old one. The BH and PK worlds are ok... but certainly not as thrilling as the old wilderness. I didn't quit after 2007 however. I have taken regular breaks from the game every now and then but never because of the removal of the wilderness. I got used to the "new runescape". I'm not saying I don't like RuneScape the way it is now, all I say is I liked it better back then.
-More on next post-
i also agree with bounty hunter it gave a nice thrill i once pke a fury got a penalty and died but i tanked 4 people died on 30 sec it gave a satasfiing thrill and thats the main point of pking.
alll i ask is this can we have a vote 3 months after the wildy has been introduced asking if we want to keep it so when people see what its like with everything moved around and all the bots they have the right to chage there mind?
alot of people are complaing about the bots because they help the votes say yes but if it was bots for no i dont thing they would complain they would support the fact that there winning. in other words the bots arent much of an issie for them because the bots cant have every single worlds.
@fredup ..that would be a stupid thing to decide right now because it would send the market into a tizzy ,people have already begun selling their rares causing price crashes ..If you tell them theres a chance that the updates wil lbe reverted ,you would see hoarders and ranters and many angry people whove sold their rares quitting the game.
Before you buy/sell a rare, read this :
Discontinued Items for Dummies