
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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Jun Member 2009


Posts: 1,514 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
btw i am stricly pvm i hate pking.
but i love the skills and the money i can make off of them along with the drops that i can get from high level slayer monsters.
to me this is fun but people i stay away from alot of others and keep to myself and i want it to stay that way.
i have a small clan and none of us are in to pk.
we all rather kill monsters.

but you can say we are a bunch of skillers.
khanbibi madskills admin

29-Dec-2010 01:04:57

Mainac Devil
Apr Member 2007

Mainac Devil

Posts: 162 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Runescape devolopers have done a marvelous job of creating a great game full of fun things to do for everyone and the only way to keep this game fun and fair (for everyone) is to take this suggestion and make it happen!
Freedom Of Choice......................

Do the Runescape 2007 like you do Runescape Classic!

Then people will have 3 options..............

1. Rs1 (Classic)
2. Rs2 (2007 Version)
3. Rs3 (The way it is now)

This will satisfy everyone !!!!! (except those that wish to harm people or scam them)

29-Dec-2010 01:23:26

Spartacus 19

Spartacus 19

Posts: 98 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm a 6 year player, and pre 07 id been scammed at least 6 or 7 small times, like a mith scimmy instead of a rune one. I also had been scammed twice for 750k+, back when i only had about 1M... All times were because i wasnt paying enough attention, this was also the account that got hacked TWICE and all my money was taken and all items dropped (Jagex THANK YOU for getting me my account back quickly both times)... Id been lured a few times, had my progress slowed by bots, pvpd for important items, etc.
Since 07, im a summer only mem, but the DAY jagex reinstates the free trade and wildy, i will be a member full time despite being hacked and scammed, etc. so many times.
Jagex is ready for this to come back, sure some rwts will be back, and so will more bots, but hacking will virtually be gone due to smart player using bank pins, and scamming will drop even if you aren't paying good attention because of the two trade screens and the large blinking exclamation point if anyone changes their offer. Luring is even gone due to the wilderness ditch. Jagex has also made major leaps in new prevention techniques for bots, such as shutting down *rsbot* and detecting any cursor making perfectly straight lines (indicating automators), as well as many more I either haven't read about or haven't heard about.
The old wildy and free trade was taken out due to the large # of rwts and bots, NOT *eacuse people wanted them gone, in fact a large # of mems quit when i happened and Jagex lost quite a bit of money. We didn't get a vote because it NEEDED to happen, but now its almost inevitable its coming back because Jagex is confident in their abilities to deal with the problems, and so am I, Jagex has never given me a reason to doubt them.
Thank You so much Jagex and everyone who voted yes, this is the MOST ive ever looked forward to an update. CANNOT wait until this is in-game. And please will a mod, as soon as you have the date it is coming back, post it on the homepage. Thanks!!!

29-Dec-2010 01:38:49 - Last edited on 29-Dec-2010 02:43:45 by Spartacus 19

Spartacus 19

Spartacus 19

Posts: 98 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
thank you phtharic, and sorry everyone about the essay, im really excited. please if anyone like my 'rant' put my name in your post... and if you don't like my rant tell me why, or correct me on any of my issues in the rant and I will definently accept any criticism.

29-Dec-2010 01:58:31

Aragorn 6306

Aragorn 6306

Posts: 89 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I don't think well-informed describes anyone voting "yes" for old wilderness and free trade. There were too many problems before with it, and little has changed. I find it questionable, also, that Jagex linked the two topics together. I know several who view old wild as an annoyance, yet wanted the free trade. It seems to me that only those that want to gain wealth at others direct expense are the ones wanting the old wild back. I may be in the minority, but I really think Jagex dropped the ball on the handling of this issue. How many people voted on every account, and why wasn't it split between members and non-members? Oh well, just an annoyance, but one I would have preferred avoiding
Aragorn 6306

29-Dec-2010 02:06:01

Not Bad
Jan Member 2018

Not Bad

Posts: 1,686 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@ Ninja Monkey, they are Jagex, not Jadex.
Man, how I miss the old days. There isn't much to say that I already have not, but I really hope this comes through. Runescape will become fun again, instead of just another game to sit there and fight or skill. There would be risk and freedom again, and would definitely attract tons more people back to the game.

29-Dec-2010 02:22:12 - Last edited on 29-Dec-2010 02:22:46 by Not Bad

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