Personally I think that free trade is a great idea to bring back but the wildness has just gotta stay the same its far to easy for scammers to take advantage of weaker players. If the wildi was PVP on special worlds I would be happier for sure! Come on people see sence and only vote when the full picture has been shown.
Bringing back the old wildy is another form of door spamming and item spamming; we're just fine with pvp worlds and all this is, is jagex breaking their own rules
Hey, Im in the middle of playing One of a Kind quest, and I've run into a bug. The bug might not have anything "just" related to the quest. It instantly could compromise my account entirely if Jagex doesn't do anything about it quick. I've logged out immediately as soon as I noticed it.
i think that you should re-ro the vote as i know of players that have voted using other peoples user names without there knowlage not realy a fair way of finding out what we raely feel about this epic change