Being scammed is for fools, I agree with Aceface completely on that fact. This game has always catered to the lowest denominator, and now they are doing something for everybody else, and the same lowest denominator that opposed these things in the first place is up in arms again.
Not to say that everyone who opposes this is unintelligent, but a majority are. I have seen many pathetic complaints and changes in the game during my time playing, all of which were made by and implemented for that same lowest denominator.
A rule against luring is the perfect example. If you are foolish enough to be lured into the wilderness where it says you can die, and there is a *itch preventing you from easily entering, and there are signs giving you warning, and you lose all of your stuff then you simply deserve to lose all of your stuff.
More to the point, opposing free trade is strange for those who are intelligent enough to check the second trade window, and heed the new red edited trade warning. The grand exchange can still function, but now you will set your own prices.
Pking will make wilderness involved objectives more difficult to accomplish I understand, but it is something that was and will be enjoyed by the masses. This will only make the game more challenging. I won't go into the RWT aspect, because Jagex says they will have that under control.
09-Jan-2011 00:57:23