What a joke, Idk why u guys came up with the idea to return old-school, cause jagex have much more to fix if they want to return old-school. Like the hits? Cmon ? x10 ? really? This is what bush would done, but jagex? And the G.E? So much scam --> talking about the clans? those ***gets get richer then u ever could get in one week, even irl!
Think about it jagex... u lost so much, I undertanded about the bots, scams. But pvp area's? G.e? people should make their own prieces, and if a scammer wants to scam ? well heres a solution! --> The guide about items should be! like the g.e guide? But u gone to far --> after the release with the hits, thats why I quitted a few months ago.
Steel ***,
09-Jan-2011 00:23:45