okay, so the pvp (bh worlds) is different to pvp worlds back than? no, exept the drops.
A: Entirely different, the whole mechanics around it and the risk vs reward factor. You're naive to make such an ignorant statement.
old wildy u keep 3 items unless skulled, and u get their drop. so what happens if they drop a cls, or cr?...
A: I'd answer this but cls and cr are abbreviations of which I'm not familiar. You get anything that is tradable from a kill when the player is skulled. They keep the three highest valued items (shop price) on death.
every since they brought out the vote, there has been all these people "claming" they were from back them, MOST of them are just making up a whole lot of cht, they know nothing!!!
A: Coming from you who made the first statement above? I mean really... Giant assumption on this statement is again naive, ignorant and even foolish.
08-Jan-2011 14:23:35