"aren't pking worlds/bounty hunter enough for you? Although the return of "old" wildy may bring back memories, they won't neccesarily be the ones you would remember."
"Instead, they will be tainted with all the new things that have came out in Runescape since then, such as graphical updates, and lots more."
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Pking and Bounty worlds are not enough for me because they are corrupt. The EP and DP system ruined the very fundamentals of pking. Its no longer Risk vs Reward, its become EP vs Reward.
True pkers, have to spend 15 mins waiting for EP to increase before they feel the need to risk thier items in a fight.
People take advantage of EP and dont even pk. Just Ep, and do 76k trips or Trios to gain money.
You cant rematch someone, as part of the Anti 26k/76k update ruined that.
Sure the old wilderness will bring back memories, but that isnt the main reason why I pk. And graphic updates and new weapons wont deminish my views of the old wilderness. It will be the same, it will be fun, it will be worth it.
Im looking forward to it, and hope the update comes out either tomarrow or on Monday (the 17th)
13-Jan-2011 19:52:01