I would like to say two things;
1- First, I think the way the poll was displayed on the page before it was very visible, where as this actual (real) poll was displayed less visibly, I almost missed it. So I have noticed alot less votes. Also I think some people may think it is the same thing as before, as alot of people probably gaze over the front page when logging in, and the title is similar.
2 - I voted for it to return. Why? Well, for the Wilderness, it's quite simple. The game was designed for it to be this way. For those who complain about dying when doing clue scrolls or whatnot, tough luck, it was designed that way from the get-go.
Now, why do I say tough luck? Because runecrafting in the abyss and clue scrolls were around before the trade limit and the removal of the old PK system, and they were placed in the Wilderness FOR THE SOLE REASON THAT IT IS A DANGEROUS PLACE.
If there is no risk, it becomes too easy, and the price of clue scroll rewards goes screwy, and so do things like runes.
In fact, when the wilderness PK system was removed, the economy got screwy, real quick. Even with the GE and limits, it got worse. Somehow, I don't think it was a coincidence...
The fact is that the RS economy was very healthy before those changes made in 07', and still today, over three years later the effects are still being felt in the economy. Any updates since have only been temporary fixes at best, and only a few markets remained good means to make money.
At least now we will not lose money when we do something like cook a lobster... no more skilling just for the sake of levels... we can finally make money when producing stuff again.
08-Jan-2011 14:09:14