perhaps there was a reason other than bots that wilderness and free trade were removed. (more free trade than wilderness) we just as a whole could not handle it, for every one player who would claim to help new players, there were 10 ready to pounce on them for a quick loot. Free Trade runescape economy was a DISASTER, the Grand Exchange is hands down in the top tier of updates ever. Why wait potentially hours or days to find a person selling an item (especially in larger quantities) when you can go to the GE and that time be well reduced if not instant. The only people who bring up points about those being scammed being "stupid" or etc, probably just want the opportunity to scam others, so do we really want to listen to them?
when the petition was first released (one with no login necessary), players posted publicly on the forums that they would use other players names just to run up the vote total, are those the players that we should listen to? Are they the ones "ready" for the disasters that were the "good old days".
bots were atrocious back then & yeah they are not that good now, are considerably better (i can find yews with less than 30 bots on them nowadays for one)
as for old wildy, perhaps create wilderness Pk servers similar to PVP worlds so that those who do not want to wilderness pk, but use other sources and activities in the wilderness to do so even create a few more since the demand seems to be so high)
if free trade comes back, forget buying items in larger bulks, and forget trying to get a high leveled skill up in a decent time, because one will either have to extract 1k irons and 2k coal to make 1k steel bars (which is much longer than buying that on the GE), yeah prices of most items will be lowered, but what does it matter if less people can obtain these items in a timely manner
its a good thought that the majority have, apparently they havent thought it ALL the way out, or the problems would be pretty obvious, doing more harm than good
08-Jan-2011 09:07:31