unfortunately the majority do miss the "good old days" but the sad part is, if they looked at it from a broader perspective (and hopefully some maturity since those days) would see that its going to do much much much more harm than good
for the sake of pking right by the wildy border anyway (which people in pvp worlds mostly pk right by the banks/safe areas, and please dont argue this isnt true cuz it is) and being able to give a gift to a friend we invite ...
*many more botters (yeah jagex supposedly has a better bot fighting system, but the cheaters are always ahead of those trying to catch them, this is true in most things in life)
*scammers (the only people who say anything against this, want to just scam themselves, or just want to flame because they have little or no good reason against this point)
*the same disruptive players that rioted in world 66 (look up on rs wiki) back (the ones that left and will return) and RS is full of mostly immature disruptive flamers who, would only further annoy honest decent players
*economic chaos, yeah there are merching clans and price limits that ***** things up with the inflation of the GE, but those problems beat the ones of the free trade economy .. yes prices will be lower but think about it .. what good are lower prices if it takes you hours or days longer to get those items, especially in larger quantities the majority of you who have not thought the answer to this out... are the ones clicking yes to put this game back several years into its infancy stage
*we couldn't handle it then, we apparently cannot now, and probably never will, since most people who played in this period of RS infancy, havent quite matured or grown up too much (yes i have played in the time period up for voting, my account is a level 104, so I have been around awhile, I always get someone who wants to claim I'm a 2008 product, just stop that now)
*overall more harm than good to the game
08-Jan-2011 09:18:26