For those of you who think free trade will brinig back RWT, you're wrong. Back in 2007 to buy 1m gp it would cost you around 8$ USD. And at this very moment even with the trade limit you can buy 1m for under a dollar. RWT has always been going on and I don't think it'll ever stop.
As for bots, there are still bots in every world mining ess in varrock, picking/spinning flax, tanning hides, training combat, and the list goes on.
In the current pvp worlds when you die all your items go to waste, if you die with dh it's gone, however, in the old wilderness the player who killed you got your items, as a reward for killing you. You wouldn't walk into a pvp world with all you rares and valuable items would you? So why would the wilderness be any different? If you don't want to risk losing it don't bring it. If you don't want to risk anything, then go to clan wars.
And clue scrolls always used to be in the wilderness, no one ever complained about it back then. Doing clues has always been a gamble, now the stakes will be a bit higher.
06-Jan-2011 19:42:58
- Last edited on
06-Jan-2011 19:59:58
thy Ishy