FredUp said:
"i like being able to pay minimum and see if i get the items stright away/ in 5 minutes and if i dont i pay maximum and try agian.
if i dont know what the maximum is i cant do that?"
I understand what you mean when you **y that. Without the game setting the price, knowning the min and max price for an item will vary depending on the seller.
But there will be ways of knowing what the current price of an item is, just like how it was before trade limit and set prices. People use to know how much items cost, and they would use thier better judgement when buying or selling.
Knowning the current price of an item, the player would either convince the seller to drop the price, or convince the buyer to pay more for an item.
FredUp isn't a noob and you shouldn't try flaming him because of his english.
*here is also forums, where everyone sells at a certain price. Competetion will rule the prices. if someone is selling full rune for 500k, then someone right next to him selling full rune for 300k, the person selling for 500k would have to drop thier price in order to compete.
Thats how items find thier sell value, true competetion. As soon as this update comes out, prices will be up and down, for maybe a month or two. Some items will cost a whole lot more than it should, while other will be alot cheaper. But once time passes, things will get back on track and have appropriate prices.
06-Jan-2011 19:21:27
- Last edited on
06-Jan-2011 19:22:14