"If they re release free trade prices of rune ore, yew logs, mage logs, shark, lobster are going to drop tremendously for a couple reasons." - Arrithmos
Actually, as far as sharks and lobsters go, im sure they will increase in price.
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" For one mandrith item pking is gone. = No more farming earning potential and mandrith items. This means pkers will actually have to have skills again to pk instead of 76k tricking." - Arrithmos
Pkers never stopped pking, but alot of people moved to EPing so they dont waste thier risk with no reward. Epers sit around and Ep then 76k trick. Thats different from pkers Pking.
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The reason i say lobs and sharks would increase is because with the over abundant amount of pkers trying to buy sharks from ge at once**** will run out of supply.
People (like me) will start selling sharks for 2x-3x its current price (1,044gp atm).
I have enough sharks to pk with. but im making sure i also have enough to resell to the people who really want to pk but has run out of food and need to buy more.
06-Jan-2011 00:52:37