It really varies if you view from the buying end, and the selling end of things.
I'm a contructionist and woodcutter, trying to get my house nicely built, and if I had to buy contruction supplies at 20k for each standard/oak/teak/mahog log, I would not be happy. I'm about able to use Marble blocks, and by the time I get to level 70 construction, Marble Blocks maybe at redicuolous prices. Again, I refer you to my Letter to Jagex on Page 1330.
@ Everyone: Still, it's better to do what would make the most happy, and the most profit for Jagex in the end. Sure, the most outrageous (as Gizzy Gazza puts it) was climbing boots. However, there should be a place to coexist peacefully amoungst both sides.
Think hypothetically (not literally), if you where jagex....
Rather than losing probably a good percentage of 8% (Say %5, and they all had memberships, running at about $5.95 a month), would you like to have $50 million in profiting, or $57.5 million in profting, while keeping nearly all of the players of runescape decently happy? That's still not even considering converting that from dollars into pounds.
Personally, I prefer to benifit both sides, and also suggesting what could be the better of the company. However, being another face in the crowd, and Jagex will never read this, (or if giving the benifit of the doubt), my voice will never be heard, or possibly considered.
Sure, you might not like what I have to say, but what I am saying is to pretend you are viewing things from my side, and see where I am coming from. This post, like many on my side, will fade away like a dream you wished to accomplish, but never did, but the memory of what I said will always be there. Memories can never be permanently destroyed, only forgotten.
05-Jan-2011 22:32:41