Now we have moved on to stage 2, Referendum.
Since we all know(most do) that Stage 1 was obviously flawed and rigged, why don't we start the Referendum anew and reset all votes, only allowing 1 vote from each IP Address.
MegaFrost X
I completely agree with Arialonomus. I don't want you Jagex to accidentally make wilderness located activities hard such as dragon killing, traveling to any place located in the wilderness naming just a few, the mage's arena, stealing creation and the wilderness agility course. Jagex Moderator's, I bring to you a conclusion an idea just so simple even if you may a tweak in your own design and idea, just as you thought of before but not in this certain concept, you made P.V.P worlds and Bounty worlds, But I ask you as a player to a Moderator to bring in a new breed of world's I and many others would know they would bring back long lost player's, bringing the old and new community of Runescape together It would be a great evolution for Runescape and make both PK'er's and Non-PK'er's happy. And as for my opinion of free trading it is a great idea, a majority of the community of Runescape have wanted this for a while and now you may be giving it to us so I and many other's may say and raise a toast to this BRAVO JAGEX! Yours sincerely Predator 51.
The vote's are now:
Yes 90%
No 8%
I don't care 2%
So, I want to know does it matter how many people vote?
there are now like 600k votes but would the free trade + old wilderniss come back if it stays @ 600k votes or do we really need 1.000.000+ votes to get it to work?
@ picclo, in the referedum jagex stated that they will be looking at those reasons to try to fix as much as they possibly can, they wont get them all trust me, and where they dont cover, pkers will, and regular players will have to learn to fight against that once again, please note there were treasure trails in old wildy too...
Most of you also complain about *scammers*. Is there really such thing as scamming in Runescape? Is removing gold off the screen and ending up paying nothing a scam? No. Reason? The person who is getting scammed should be more aware that there are people who do these kinds of things and need to stop blaming Jagex. Whose fault is it if you get scammed because you couldn't follow the simple rule of look at the second accept window? Scamming isn't the issue, idiots on the other hand is. This game is too kid-friendly, the past few updates and events have been watered down. The problem is these kids complain too much and never get what they want so they just complain even more.
@MegaFrost X
Whilst your solutions are clearly well thought out there is one major issue I have with them.-
Personally I think wildy needs to be dangerous on ALL worlds. There needs to be some sort of risk for all players whatever world you go in to. The wilderness should live up to its name and if your dareing enough to enter there should be a chance of death. I don't like the idea of someone being able to go around doing there clue scrolls in the wilderness completelty safe from harm.
I just feel that when you enter the wilderness to do a clue scroll there needs to be some risk involved, and YES that means you may find yourself getting killed one time. but then next time you do that clue scroll and get sent of to the wilderness there will be that extra fear getting your heart pumped maiking the experience a whole lot more fun.
This isn't something you should be able to get away from and only works if it effects ALL players. Personnaly I am very much against the idea of relocating things away from the wilderness, those thing were put in to the wilderness with the knowledge there would be an inherent danger associated with doing them.