@Living What you don't see is them using the afk EP gaining trick for hours and hours before their PK sessions. Even then they only show their good kills, you have to understand that most of the time people don't get anything, I should know, I've gotten 100% EP before, killed multiple players with lots of good gear on them and have gotten junk.
@ Turtle Smi**
I agree, everything was a reflection of how much others where willing to pay for it and how much they where willing to sell for. It wasnt pre-designed and the only trouble I see is Runescape adjusting to that and I predict rises but more so decreases in many prices.
am highly in support of the return of the older style of play just because of what has been said before.(not only because i pk...like a L0T), player independence. its like whats been said... if you are too naive to be fooled especially by the highly updated trade interface and wilderness ditch/warnings, then rs probably isnt for you.
@mental, interesting pov about the GE... although prices were quite stable before it's release i respect input from the other side of things
@ArKa1c BuNnY You are right! I once saw a person killing somebody with a party hat and an Armadyl GodSword and they didn't get either of these and if that happened to most of the people with rares the value of rare item's would rocket beyond sight and would simply become too expensive! And about 450m alone was taken from the game! That's my point about the not so new P.V.P system.
@Mental With free trade it was the buyers who chose the price, I don't think you understand that someone selling 1 prayer potion for 100k was the buyer because he was desperate and said buying 1 prayer pot 100k not some guy saying selling 1 prayer potion 100k.
My most important point of all, make something that will benifit both sides of the 90% and the 8% who play runescape. Make an educated decision that will make EVERYONE, if not close to everyone, SATISFIED in the end.
i would also like to raise the opinion that this will get rid of clan merchanting which technically in the real world is illegal and shouldnt be allowed in runescape.
look it up...its actually true.
From what I'm gathering from the update the ge is probably going to stay there and I think the average price will stay in on the trade screen so you have a general idea, so you shouldn't really be ripped off. However buying things in bulk, either the forums will be flooded where you hardly get heard anyway or there will still have to be a system with the ge because I really can't be bothered standing there spamming buying 2k snape grass =/
It WORKED FINE back then and will work FINE NOW! Updates and changes to the game will just make it quicker then it was back then so you wont spend 20 mins buying Full Dh for a price you want.
It will be a MUCH smoother transition than anyone might think, think more of what Jagex has done and what they say they will do its pretty easy to see, EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE!
@Mental Wyro Everybody cant win all of the time it really is as simple as that there is no lecture to be brought into the situation whatsoever. Mouthful *GASP*