Tbh, i have multiple accounts, all active and i voted on all of them, at the end of the day, jagex said 'vast majority of their players' PLAYERS, being individual accounts, so then if you voted on only one account, this would not count as your part of the total amount of accounts/players. And think of the thousands of players who quit because of the stupidity of jagex? Im pretty sure not all of them know about this referendum. Some people dont realise how much better everything was back in the day, and since then players have joined since then and dont know what they missed. Jagex should of never updated this. But now they have, and to keep everybody have, they should bring back the original RS2 like they did with classic, and just make it so that when you log on to it you have everything you have at the moment, (without items introduced after the update). This would benefit both parties and frankly, how many people log onto the original RS2 game would show jagex how many people want it back.
05-Jan-2011 20:10:59