LOL whip used to be 1.5m-2m in 2005-2007 lol...
So stop speaking *****, if you haven't even played rs since '07..
Also jagex said "Other content (e.g. Treasure Trails, the Beacon Network and D&Ds) will be looked at on a case-by-case basis".
And if treasure trails will be at wilderness their rewards will cost more... And its not hard to find empty world...
12-Jan-2011 12:54:16
- Last edited on
12-Jan-2011 12:56:23
Il TANK4lIfe
this is why i love the runescape forums :
Flaming about the price of a whip in 2007 on a thread about the Old wilderness and Free trade poll.
Brilliant, this made my day !
The only thing in this update I do not want is free trade because players would most likely use street prices instead of the actual price, which would be bad for buyers.
I don't know why some of you think this trade is better... Honestly, buyers benefitted from Free Trade back in the day. The Grand Exchange and fixed prices caused the entirety of Runescape's costs to skyrocket, for the most part.
The only challenge was finding whatever you needed to buy- luckily, the GE will still be around for that. However, to those of you who never played RS before 2007, the Marketing worlds (1 and 2 if memory serves) were where people in Falador and Varrock (depending on the world) gathered and specific types of items were sold in specific parts of town.
Armor would be in one spot, herbs in another, and so on. I honestly loved the old trade system better because it made you interact with players, which in part made the game much more fun for me
Vote ends in two days! Hurrah! Anybody know how soon they're adding the content after the Referendum closes?
When people say it will bring some old players back, it's true. I know I'll be back to merchant. As for the wild, it got a bit confusing.. I don't think I'll get used to some fighting styles being weak on others, and all the new weapons.. and you can be sure there will be BIG teams all over the wild, so unless you're staying in lvl 10- wild or unless you have a clan, lots of ppl won't have fun with the wild IMO
The only thing in this update I do not want is free trade because players would most likely use street prices instead of the actual price, which would be bad for buyers.
Can’t wait for full loots and staking.
Street prices are the actual prices. Prices are set through supply and demand, not what Jagex thinks an item is worth. The GE does not always accurately reflect the prices.