I see a lot of people saying they want free trade, but keep the set prices at the GE... That kills the point in free trade. If the GE keeps fixed prices then the players are going to base item prices off that and not what the majority wants. That is not a player based economy. There should not be a price that Jagex says it should be, people should decide at what the best prices are since they are the ones getting the resources and putting forth the work. I believe the GE should act more like an auction house, which allows products to be sold with less tedious work and still allows people to have the convenience of checking the market that way.
People that are complaining about the old wildy... stop it. That is how it used to be and that is what it was originally made for. I am not a high level at all and I used to go out there on a daily bases just to test my luck and i never once complained about dying. I know what i bring out there and so should u. People that are suggesting seperate worlds for the wildy, should stop complaining also. If all worlds are old wildy then technically there will be less pking across all worlds instead of 1000+ players pking in 10 worlds. Get over it, i've been playing this game since '01 and i no how it runs. I am not a pker by trade or a scammer so stop assuming people that want it just wants to cheat. I hate botters just as much as the next, but no matter what there will be people trying to. The main reason why they removed free trade and wildy was because of botting and if jagex says they cant stop it completely, but will be vigilant in preventing it as much as possible, you should trust them. I quit playing after the '07 update, because i loved being able to give my friends money or making a business, but i always came back hoping this would happen. All you people complaining that if they bring back these, you are all babied. I used to work hard for my money and I would give up many other games just to play this how it used to be...
30-Dec-2010 12:10:17