Why don't you want wildy back? If you don't like it, don't go into it. If you are talking about clues or whatever, they were originally put into the wilderness to make them dangerous. It is only proper for that danger to return. If you don't like the risks vs. the rewards, don't do it. Simple logic.
I won't even start on all these complaints about scamming...really people?
I'm getting tired of all of these 'older' players or should I say 'new' players ranting about the old wilderness coming back.
Do you know anything about the old wilderness, or even step foot in it?
The old wilderness is what MADE RuneScape what it is today, it gained a lot of publicity from YouTube, and what was on YouTube? PK Vids? Yes.
Don't worry about newer players getting lured etc as I'm sure JaGex will come up with idea's on entering the wilderness or just keep the Ditch/Wall there.
STOP Ranting on the wilderness and how YOU would like it because it's your army vs. everyone.
^ treasure trails are getting looked at in a case by case basis meaning any trails that they think will be too tricky for the precious little skillers who don't want the update will be relocated so the kids don't risk losing 12k of gear.
Well this is the best thing to do for both the players and for the company right? the players get the old wild and free trade and duel arena and the company will get more money from people wanting to be members and the people that quit Runescape will come back.
Plus if you don't want free trade because you get scammed that is a selfish reason. I got scammed too, but I learned from that and I was a lot more careful when I did a trade. so don't complain about getting scammed because you can't double check when you do your trades people.
Bringing back the wild and free trade is the best thing Runescape can do to and like I know people are going to buy gold from other online sites and what not, but who cares? why should you remove the wild and free trade because of that? It's them who are wasting their money on it and it doesn't harm the game or the people. I really don't care if people buy their gold and if i get scammed then oh well..I learned from it and it won't happen again. I've been playing Runescape for a real long time and YES this is the best idea they've had in a while. I vote yes on this idea.
I think it's a great idea, and I'm totally up for it, on a few conditions ofcourse.
It would be best, for those against the idea, to makes only some worlds with free trade, wilderness, and both. It would cut back on the problems you had with having all worlds with these.
Appart from that, good idea. Much appreciated
The game was getting way to kid friendly IMO, that's why I quit back in 2007.
Seriously you get a warning when you enter the desert or some place with lvl 18 goblins.. And pkin is broken, you pk a skulled guy with full barrows and you get some bones and shrimps, and if you are lucky you get a bronze dagger!! I miss the old days where it was fun and exiting to pk. You killed a full rune guy and you got full rune, not some crappy items.. If you get lured into wild with your blue mask, learn to use your brain.. Also if you want to sell, lets say dharoks helm (7 mil I think)to a friend, and you want to sell it for 4 mil cus he's you friend, YOU CAN'T!
And last but no least, if you get scammed it's you own fault! There is something called logical thinking you know? Runescape did a good job learning newbies not to get scammed but why all that work when you have to be mental ******** to get scammed now?
Now i started again because I heard of the old wildy and trade system is coming back. I got around 15 of my old guild mates to start playing again, hoping for it to come back. I miss the old Runescape.. Not the kid friendly Runescape that it has gotten today. And for those who started playing after the ruining of the game, trust me it's worth giving it a shot!
After reading the first 13 pages, I only see one sided hate for the wilderness without looking at the different perks. I personally love the wilderness. I'm a die hard pker back from when runescape was still 2D.(On a different account of course.)
Runescape has been a part of my life for the longest time. I have seen it's ups and downs, but I can honestly say that the big wilderness update was the worst, probably an all time low. When I log into runescape today, it's not as lively, and there aren't many pures nowadays, no real competition. This game feels like it's been wrapped in a bubble suit, in order to protect it's players from the risks and dangers that players from old RS lived for.
Honestly, how can you do a clue scroll and have fun? The whole thing about clue scrolls is the possibility of rares and the dangers of receiving said rares. With the reinstatement of the wilderness, Rares will become that much rarer, as they will be harder to get due to wilderness.(That is, if jagex doesn't relocate the clue scrolls for the softies playing runescape.)
These higher level "Veterans" seem a little soft to me. They don't want to lose anything. If you don't want to gamble, stay out of the wilderness, it's simple.
What's that? Scams you say? Well, scammers are all over the world, they're obvious to spot, and I mean if you get scammed, this is due to your poor perception. I have only been scammed once, and that was the FIRST TIME AND LAST TIME IT HAPPENED. After playing runescape for an extended amount of time your senses are heightened and you can spot a scam from a mile away. You softie "Veterans" need to let others experience the way runescape was, before it become softscape. The only reason runescape is so well known is because of the wilderness, and because of the PK videos on Youtube.
Tell me I'm wrong, I dare you.
04-Jan-2011 17:13:03
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04-Jan-2011 17:16:01
Yes I vote for bringin back the old wilderniss and the free trade limit. No headache more about trading. PKing with the right way available again.
Sir Drakiro