@Doku Pure
I care because there was a big issue with the Chinese using kids to function as bots for food (they could solve the puzzles better than bots) then selling the gold they accumulated. As a father, that bothers me.
U may be good with child slave labor, I'm not!
I was on earlier and by what I have read through everyone post is this.
First thing is READ!!
All you people out there saying stuff that has already been posted on the referendum.
Next is Pros on wildy:
Balance economy
Better drops
Get rid of botters on rune (just something I'd throw in)
No revenants (Which in my opinion were more dangerous that PKers becuase they cant be reasoned with.)
Dangerous because of Pkers
Cant really add luring to the cons becuase there can't be with the wall/ditch
Pros on FT:
Balanced Economy (again)
No more Merch Clans jacking prices
Helping others
Lending (no one brought up this)
Hiring others to do jobs
Scams (easily avoided)
Bots (easily detected)
There isnt much more to add but if any others want to paste this and add more, be my guest.
This all I have learned in the 2 hours ive spent yelling at idiots who think they know what they are doing.
Why do both of these things have to be tied together? I would not mind seeing free trade reinstated but do not really care for the old wilderness. How about a separate vote on each? I do not understand how both of these things are tied together where you have to have both to have one. I have talked with people and there are a number who want one or the other but not both. Jagex should consider this before blanket reinstating old systems.
@miserdd are you for real? you're bringing child slave labour into this okay 2 things
1. i very highly doubt that the owners of slaves from poorer countries cant afford hundereds of computers so for there slaves also they will be focusing on bigger things e.g. clothing not runescape
2. if you're an adult with a child what the hell are you doing on the runscape forums... seriously get a life and do something useful
I don't understand what jagex are waiting for, the votes are 90% yes and 8% no. There is not a single chance in the world that they're gonna catch up so why not get the wildy and free trade back in immediately instead of waiting till January?
Well they always list what they are updating at the beginning of the month. Give them time, they will eventually and the vote for reinstating Ft and Wildy is inevitable.
29-Dec-2010 23:01:32
- Last edited on
29-Dec-2010 23:02:12
Vin Vyin
Ive been in this game when all of this used to be around. I made 2 million by staying in banks and selling rune ess(thats right no pure ess or normal ess). I also remember how much fun it was to lure, its your own fault if you dont read warnings. This game became too easy and friendly as of late and I and 3/4 of old players left. If you bring it back you might lose 1/4 of these noobs but you'll have the real players back. For them go play something else like a giga pet. Leave runescape to grown ups
@ Aaron6437
The vote may be one sided, but Jagex cannot just cut a vote short because one side is winning. They are going to wait until the end date of the poll. That is how they make it fair. Give the other side a chance to come back, even if there is litterally none.