i voted yes, back when runescape had the old wildy, yeah i got lured once or twice, (quickly learnt my lesson their), but it was just part of the game and got over it, theirs a wall their now to make it noticable, also i pk, its fun, i get a rush, if i kill someone now days using smite, whats the point, theirs no item to smite cos they keep it anyway, now if it comes back, smite will have a point again, to drop peoples prayer for their items, and if you need to go into the wildy for k*d etc.... back in the day people still killed kbd anyway, they'd just use low populated worlds to avoid getting killed, same with chaos elemental or clue scrolls..... etc,etc,
free trade, that doesn't really bother me that much, but i would like the wildy to return to its classic glory.
04-Jan-2011 13:54:45