Honestly, i vote YES, for sure, both the GE and the removal of the old wilderness may of helped runescape when its come to botting and RWT'ing and other such crimes, but it has also disadvantaged them,
disadvantages such as;
merchers, clans, MASSIVE clans manipulate the GE, hmm to me sounds alot like cash farming?? just my opinion but people doing nothing but buying some obje**s and then waiting to sell them sounds like cash farming, and jagex has brought that upon themselves, with new vigourous force i think jagex would be able to re-instate the wilderness and free trade and also continue protecting our worlds of botters, RWT'ers, merchers, scammer, lurers, and all the other threats,
Also the removal of the old wildy and also the instating the GE has resulted in many players quitting, i myself quit for 2 years, only recently started back, i think after people gain knowledge of this happening they would re-join this fabulous game,
myself being a pker i would find it awesome, it is all i used to do, me and a few mates sitting at varry wildy just chatting and helpin each other out? cant do that anymore, theres either 1v1 or massive pker clans that just mass you.. THAT is not pking
PKING is the old wilderness PVP and Bounty are poor poor excuses for pking.
in conclusion,
IF you like runescape at all, and would rather face a few problems but have amount of players rise back up to old numbers and the MAJORITY of players playing the game the way its meant to be played, vote yes,
if you's rather a minute number of players with still a large number of cash farmers RWT'ers and just people who play to make runescape a bad place for people trying to have fun, be one of them bad people and vote no, ruin the game for everyone else
04-Jan-2011 12:25:54