@keplers law
Yeah I see what you mean by bringing friends back, I totally support that, maybe that's jagex's main goal - more money, I totally see that, it's just as i said I like the game kept simple and fair, oh well it's not like what I say will make a difference, looks like it's coming back anyway, so might as well make the most of it and get pking =]
@Living Rival
If you don't like pking there really won't be any need for you to start doing it. Honestly I never made much money off pking. I used to make all my money by merchanting rares and then used that money to pk for fun. Pking used to be the most excititing part of this game. Without it, to me, everything just seems repetitive and boring. Probably why my combat stats are mostly 99s but my other skills are so low lol
guy told me to repair arrav shield i had to stick it in a wall in the willdy lmao X[) lured me in and i gfd him ( yh i went prepared)
Before you buy/sell a rare, read this :
Discontinued Items for Dummies
04-Jan-2011 01:11:00
- Last edited on
04-Jan-2011 01:11:33
Scream pie
I'll start it for fun, not serious, like picking off the random person at green drags and stuff, to me combat isn't a big thing, I prefer relaxing and training some skills, sitting there being constantly aware and clicking isn't what I play this game for, to me it's a boredom killer with people to chat to, couldn't care less who could 'pwn' me in the wildy.
i dont support for the following reasons:
the petition:
you didnt have to logg in to vote for the petition so people used there alt accounts and many other accounts for people who were aganist the update to vote for the update. This is lack of security wise and uncalled for
from major sites say this update is to get jagex to have att
ention from the global gaming community to boost there popularity. many major sites reported the same thing.
Logg in to object:
failure all over it now players have to logg in to object the vote and meaning less unused accounts being put in as voting slaves.
Guisness book of world records"glitch":
During the refundereum for sometime a guiness book of world records was put next to the bottom of screen with the jagex ltd trademark. This was reported in as a "glitch" reported by jagex and a video has been rumored stating that this wilderness and free trade vote is a world record for most votes for a mmorpg. This has not been confirmed
happy birthday runescape your finally hittin ur decades