To answer your question about manipulator clans being killed off with free trade, the answer is easy. There will be a universal price which the majority of players will agree on. The majority of players are not in manipulator clans and hence, will only know the universally majority price. This price will be created by the majority of players and the players will have decided this price.
The manipulators can buy as many as they wish, however since ge prices will no longer rise or fall due to people working on a majority agreed price, manipulators cannot expect to sell the item for their price since it'd be quite above the universally accepted price.
Secondly, how would manipulators let 100k+ or so people who aren't even in the cc know that they're raising the prices beyond what the majority agree on? No one outside of the manipulator clan would know what price they're trying to sell it for. They could try spamming in ge or whatever but that won't let a majority of people know that the price is rising and I'm sure Jagex wouldn't give such people an omni message to everyone to let all players know that manipulators want to up prices. Even if they did let others know, people would likely say, "Get stuffed, that's too high for that item." If the majority are selling an item for 5 mill, no one will buy for 7 mill from manipulators because they can get it for 5 mill. Sure, they can attempt to hoard but there will be far more items entering games from people who are unaware of anything but the majority accepted price and hence, will sell for that price perhaps even outside of ge and hence provide people with items far cheaper than hoarders and in greater supply. Such clans represent a minority and would not be able to keep up with the supply from the majority, rendering hoarding ineffective.
Hence why manipulator clans didn't exist before trade limits. =P I hope that I've answered your question.
29-Dec-2010 20:07:12