I´ll say it as it is: THE OLD WILDERNESS SUCKS! The big disadvantage of the old wildy, is that when you kill a person (with a skull over his head), you will only get exactely what your opponent was carrying on himself, and in his inventory. For example: If your opponent was carrying a total of 11k worth of items, then you will get 11k when you kill him. If your opponent was carrying a rune scimitar when you killed him, then you will get a rune scimitar as loot!All of the food, arrows, runes etc. that you used to kill your opponent, was all wasted! This is a huge problem, especially for low level pk-ers. All of those who pk, wants to make money on it. This cannot be done in the old wildy, but it can be done in the new wildy(bounty worlds)! Because in the new wildy, even level 20 pk-ers may get a 1 mil loot when they kill their opponents. Even if their opponents weren´t carrying more than 11k in total. This is the difference that makes the new wildy so much more better than the old wildy. Not only for low levels, but also for higher levels. The keep-one-item-worlds makes it possible for players to keep their most beloved item when they die. Items like godswords and dragon claws are item that people want to use when they pk. The old wildy doesn´t have such a thing as keep-one-item-when-you-die-worlds. If you want to keep an item on death in the old wildy, you have to get a prayer level of 25, wich is a waste of combat levels for pures, including myself. The old wildy is just a waste of a player´s money!
I hope you realize how big this problem is, Jagex.
I don´t mind about the old trading method, but for the sake of the players of runescape:
29-Dec-2010 19:54:06
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29-Dec-2010 19:55:29