67% of curent rs playes never saw free trade or the wildy, they just heer the gory days or back the, yes back then teh game was funner but there was much bad stuf, hell i remember by juliets house rs Escorts <- if i get banned so be it but its true!!!!! and thed usualy scam ppl to!!!!!!
and i also remember the wildernes partys---
or the shady trades in the ally ways
- sure we had drop partys!!!!!!
-sure kiling inocent people was fun
-sure giving ur friends expensive stuf was nice
but back then havin ga full set of rune was a privlege
back then making cash out of mining/ woodcuting/ fishing was realy hard!!!!!!
bots rmed the earth back then
back then rs was full of wonders!!!!! as evrythin gwas new and the town seem so alive!!!
but not we have clan wars!!!!
the mazing ge wich gave us a WORKING economy, people now work for there cash!!!!
lower level players depend on higer level players and vie versa
* for example a lower level player rakes weeds sels them on the ge and there used by a higer leveld player to make compost, wich the lower level player wil then purches *
** is so amazing of a game and peopel dont relize that jagex has made it this way, if yall wana go back to the wild wild west yall go ahead RUIN the working economy RUIN pures RUIN beinga ble to buy something at your disposal
cuz im sure as heck if this passes your gona have to go tresure hunting to buy decent stuf from now on
03-Jan-2011 07:09:11