Thank you, Jagex, for finally asking.
Scamming in the Old Wildy :
The old wildy allowed some scamming; but, too, I later realised it offers valuable experience in inter-personal interaction in a relatively safe manner (at least you are safe from personal physical harm). In these days of increasingly associative thinking (as compared to the previous linear convention) the value on online experience in personal interaction is of great value to us all.)
The Old Wildy helped make you wiser :
Yes, I may have lost many sets of full rune - but I gained experience in dealing with deceptive characters. So, overall, personally I am much better off. The rune I lost was worth it for the knowledge I gained (I was sooo noobish it's embarrasing), and now that wisdom gained means I have full Dragon to replace the lost rune (plus that Santa I always wanted). So, all up the wildy was very profitable for me even with the loss - in merchanting you really need to look at the overall profit not the individual cost.
Conclusion :
So, bring back the wildy, and I can once more enjoy baiting the PK'ers whilst crafting runes for profit.
Sincere Thanks,
(P.s.: the origin of this name is a very obscure biblical reference - he was the only king of Israel that nothing happened during his reign : a very rare thing for that area).
10-Jan-2011 01:39:27
- Last edited on
10-Jan-2011 01:57:17