I have played for a long time. I remember old wilderness. In the past, I would go into the wilderness to hang with mates. Sometimes on dares, or for exploration out of boredom, but I would go. In the wilderness, there were many dangers. There weren't safe spots like clan wars or the old bounty hunter bank. If you were caught by another player, you were often killed. Who is to blame however? You were there. He was there to kill someone and you were there to explore. If you lost anything, it is your own fault for bringing it. There needs to be warnings, yes, but the majority of the old wilderness pking community used to fight right at the border of safe and dangerous (there wasn't a ditch back then). With that, the majority of the drop trading in the wilderness was repetitively killed, unless they found a safe area.
03-Jan-2011 01:54:19