I've played runescape since 2004, after they took out free trade, wildy, and staking, i dropped over 250m just to dissapear because this game had just become pointless, as i've checked over the year the g.E, can and is manipulated so easily and prices rise and fall so fast its just stupid, i think it would not only bring alot of players back but also bring alot of new players if they re instated the wildy and free trade, yes you can get scammed, but everyone gets scammed? get over it or pay more attention its not that big of a deal, and the whole treasure trail in the wilderness? gtf over it!! i did treasure trails for ever in the wilderness its part of the rush, got to dodge pkers and get to your treasure, revanants? thats a joke, and i would like to see falador world 2 brought backk i miss the days where it actually took a little bit of time and skill to merchant, where as now you have stupid clans who raise a price like 100m? yeah thats dumb,but anyways im definently in favor and i hope they don't just tease the players.
09-Jan-2011 19:21:02