could you imagine someone using wrath in wildy in the middle of a big crowd or someone using Soul Split with 99 prayer omg over kill much
whats wrong with that?
thats the fun of it!!!
hmm i dont know. i R E A L L Y want old wildy and trade but im not sure... i absoulutly L0Ve clue scrolls i have lots of fun but i also want wildy and free trade hmm touugh choice but i voted "yes" and regulerly check... id like to see clues and old stuff back.
omg you think someoen using blood barrage and soul split with prayer pots wilding a staff of light and using the special to reduce melle damage buy 50% would be fun i think it would be a nightmare and totaly over powered
02-Jan-2011 13:48:29
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02-Jan-2011 13:53:47
what most of you are forgetting is the old wildy was fair IE it was level agains level
What most of u ar forgetting is how far from them days runescape has come it will no
longer be level v level it will be overload v leval
I see a lot of people saying that if Jagex made PVP and Bounty World drops higher it would fix PVP. WRONG! Those people never PKed the old way.
Let me explain it to those people. Lets say I'm wearing full Bandos and kill a noob. I now have a skull over my head and will lose everything I have with me if I die. You come over and kill me. You now have my full Bandos and anything else I had.
The difference is you don't get some crappy reward for killing people. You get what they were wearing!
55joe4 if you wear ful bandos in wildy you deserve to die your make yourself a big target lol most people will wear black dhide or cheap items thats what all you pkers seem to forget
So from most of you comments its not about the wildy its about making fast free cash from overpowering some1 and not having to work for your cash but I am more than happy to sell the pkers overpriced runes /supper pots and food then I will give the profits
To the low levs in lummy