Kill the brothers in the following order:
1. Dharok (depends how skilled you are at not letting Dharok go near you with ice spells or entangle, or keeping your prayer up, otherwise Karil)
2.Karil (Dharok if you killed Karil first)
3.Verac (again, all depends on your combat style, if using magic don't bother praying)
4.Guthan (pray here to avoid Guthan healing)
5. and 6. Torag and Ahrim, whichever order, you can pray but to conserve prayer tank Torag with melee armour and Ahrim with dragonhide, unless your magic level is below 75 in which case you should pray against Ahrim.
Suggested approach: wear full black d'hide.
Melee brothers: use slayer dart (runes can and will be replenished from the rewards chest) and entangle, ancients (very effective due to the ice spells' freezing effect) or Polypore staff; wield the Staff of Light (unless using the Polypore staff.
Karil: melee him.
Ahrim: range him with a crystal bow.
07-Jan-2012 23:52:38