If completed quests: Branches of darkmeyer(you get drakan medallion which takes you to burgh de rott bank) Void stares back(gives you korasi sword useful against akrisae after you complete ritual of the mahjarrat) Nomads Requiem(gives you a soul wars cape that give 8+prayer) recruitment drive/slug menace(gives you prayer armour which gives a good some of prayer) Recipe for disaster(complete the full to get barrows gloves it gives the best boosts) in aid of the myreque(gives access to a bank letting you restock on supplies such as food, potions, bolts) Fremennik Isle(gives helm of neitiznot used in both range and melee)
Requirement any but make sure you have 43 prayer
Armour and weapons:
Weapons have any you choose for melee whip and dragon dagger P++(for spec), ranged crossbow(mith bolts+)
Armour melee proselyte if done slug menace or initiate if done recruitment drive or an armour that has high prayer stat like veracs if you are rich and ranged dragonhide armour best is blackdragon hide.
amulet of glory+, ring of wealth( increases chances for barrow brother armour) something that gives prayer blue or cape (if you complete nomads requiem) and barrow gloves from recipe for disaster and god books(pray) or defender(str)
4-5 prayer or super prayer
a super set(melee: super strength, super defence and super attack. ranged: super defence and ranged)
10-15 monkfish+
and spade.
The Brothers
Ahrim hes a magic user so pray magic he drains strength
Dharoks be very careful always pay attention to prayer and his life lower the life more damage he inflicts so pray melee
Guthans he heals through damage so pray melee
Karils he ranges his hits drains agility so pray ranged
Torags high defense drains run pray melee
Veracs hits through prayer use food pray melee to reduce damage
Akrisae(ritual of the mahjarrat) use ranged weapon with korasi sword(void stares back)korasi special does magic hits, change weapon when he changes prayer and pray melee
pray means protect
06-Jan-2012 03:31:43
- Last edited on
06-Jan-2012 03:36:10
Sabre Death