Mod Neena
You've got nothing to lose guys, no harm in entering. If you don't like the prize, you could always give it away to someone that would want it.
Remember, if you don't have the outfit, no need to worry - just get a pic with someone that has the outfit on. Photobombs don't count.
Good luck everyone! <3<small><left>
<img src="http://services.runescape.***/m=rswikiimages/en/2014/2/Jmod_crown-17095506.png"/><b> - Mod Neena - </b>
<b><i>Community Manager</b></i> </left></small>
Jesus, Jagex! You've stooped REALLY low to have a contest for only Premier Club members! -_- You tell us we can take a picture of somebody who has the outfit on, yeah? Well then it's not a selfie!! -_- You all need to think things like this over before you go flaunting them on the forums like this! *l* Up yours!
You peer into a Chapel of Zamorak, which appears to be abandoned. Before you can close the doors again, a Revenant Chaos-Bringer flies at you and slays you instantly with a bolt of Shadow Lightning. Oh dear! You are dead!
I don't really care for this competition myself, but I do feel this is unfair to those who bought Premier Club with conventional money. If the aim was to get people to create a Paypal account (and add money to it, which would be immediately removed from it by Jagex), then shouldn't you be able to enter by submitting a picture of yourself with your Lava Hood (or some other cosmetic benefit from buying Premier Club) and proving you have a Paypal account by logging into it. After all, I paid literally the same amount as I would have if I paid with Paypal, but I didn't pay with Paypal because I didn't have enough money in my account to afford the Gold Package, and I didn't feel the transferring money because you said the benefits of paying with Paypal would be PURELY COSMETIC. The ability to get real world money ONLY if you paid with Paypal doesn't seem cosmetic to me.
Dark Fury
Mod Neena
You've got nothing to lose guys, no harm in entering. If you don't like the prize, you could always give it away to someone that would want it.
Remember, if you don't have the outfit, no need to worry - just get a pic with someone that has the outfit on. Photobombs don't count.
Good luck everyone! <3<small><left>
<img src="http://services.runescape.***/*=rswikiimages/en/2014/2/Jmod_crown-17095506.png"/><b> - Mod Neena - </b>
<b><i>Community Manager</b></i> </left></small>
Jesus, Jagex! You've stooped REALLY low to have a contest for only Premier Club members! -_- You tell us we can take a picture of somebody who has the outfit on, yeah? Well then it's not a selfie!! -_- You all need to think things like this over before you go flaunting them on the forums like this! *l* Up yours!
Not just only for Premier Club members, it's only for Premier Club members who paid with Paypal. I have Gold Premier Club and I have a Paypal account and I can't even enter because I didn't feel like transferring that same amount of money that I already paid to Paypal just to then transfer money to Jagex when they said the rewards would be purely cosmetic (Samurai Outfit and Kirin Pet). Money is not cosmetic, but yet I can't enter because I didn't feel like inconveniencing myself (and they're gonna reply with "Yes you can, find some who has the outfit and get in their picture", but I don't know if people have the outfit so I would need to have someone reach out to me). And just to be clear, I don't care about the rewards (I can find anything that costs money on iTunes for free online and I don't use Steam), I just think this is an unfair competition. And unlike people who just don't have Premier Club, I can't even buy Premier Club with Paypal now in order to get the ability to compete in this competition because I already paid
As someone who attempted to pay via PayPal and was turned away, who then had to pay for the package via other means: I am not amused by this.
Though if what others are saying about Tetsu being an alternative is true I suppose I could still enter the competition. Though that does make me wonder if the "Eastern Outfit" loyalty costume would also count for the competition.
So people are ****** over the contest requiring gold premier club/having a crap prize, but am I the only one who thinks it's bad because it once again encourages this cancer trend on "some"?
"Volat Accipiter libera est; venandi sua natura est."
~Accipiter striatus
14-Jan-2015 18:00:24
- Last edited on
14-Jan-2015 18:00:40
You win either itunes or Steam credit by competing on facebook. At least the image is RuneScape...
Thinks Treasure Hunter uses the same mechanics Free**um games, and thereby targets people who are at risk for gambling addiction.
Dark Fury
Mod Neena
You've got nothing to lose guys, no harm in entering. If you don't like the prize, you could always give it away to someone that would want it.
Remember, if you don't have the outfit, no need to worry - just get a pic with someone that has the outfit on. Photobombs don't count.
Good luck everyone! <3
- Mod Neena -
Community Manager
Jesus, Jagex! You've stooped REALLY low to have a contest for only Premier Club members! -_- You tell us we can take a picture of somebody who has the outfit on, yeah? Well then it's not a selfie!! -_- You all need to think things like this over before you go flaunting them on the forums like this! *l* Up yours!
Actually, this was the way to make the competition available to
even if they haven't got the Samurai outfit. It's players that have used PayPal that have the outfit, not Premier Club. Please calm down and use a suitable tone on the forums.
- Mod Neena -
Community Manager
punk puppy
Mod Neena
punk puppy
Worst idea for a competition you guys at Jagex could think of. I usually give you guys at Jagex a bit of leeway, but not on this one.
You're entitled to your opinion but getting upset because we have a £50 iTunes voucher to give away seems unnecessary.
Not even close to why I'm upset for.
I'm upset you intentionally advertising and locking this competition behind purchasing Premier membership for the Samurai outfit without mentioning that players can enter with Tetsu or other samurai related items in game in the newspost.
You're trying to deceive people into thinking that you
to purchase Premier membership using Paypal to get the samurai outfit to enter. This is why I'm upset.
It was meant to be just a Samurai competition and
we've put things in place so more players can enter
. We want people to win which is why we made the changes. It's not like we haven't made people aware - it is a Samurai Selfie competition though. It's the hashtag we're using and the title of the thread.
Fair enough if you don't want to enter and don't want a chance of winning but please try to understand that we have tried to put things in play for more people to enter!
- Mod Neena -
Community Manager