wow alot of...negativity...well i hate to add to it but their right lol. but it doesnt mean they have to be so negative about it. heres runescape in a nutshell...
from rs1 to rs2, the graphics are exceptional improved and i give them dibs on that, beta was fun, then as they progressed, later they removed free trade which actually helped me stop giving so much. but i very much hated free trade stolen from us...
from rs2 to eoc, well i did ask for a better combat system, but this? seriously? a world of warcraft copycat if you ask me, i dont play world of warcraft because of alot of reasons, now if it were a press of a button to switch back n forth between eoc & classic rs2 combat, would be great
as for the sof, bonds, solomons general store, lodestones, etc.. now the only one i actually agree with is, bonds, and my reasoning is because it helps those who cannot pay with real cash, and friends can help one another, as for sof, solomons general store and lodestones, they cripple the economy of runescape, and the flow of gp, for one lodestones as alot of you guys love so dearly, now think about those who have worked for years to acheve those shortcuts, teleports, variety sets of transportation just to some update, rendering all that hard work down the drain, yes im serious, look heres an example, i used to use a slayer ring to get myself to a fairy ring to travel across rs, edgy, yanille, for slayer tasks etc... i also combined them with the tree transportation to make things quiet swift, switching to gliders as needed, and teleport jewelery helped a ton, but this lodestone crap ruined all of that hard work i had done
if jagex wins this award ill be surprised, im not saying im against them getting it, im just saying we have alot of disappointed customers, flaring at jagex from different angles, i know they cant please everybody but, i do support most of their updates, im a 12 year veteran just so you know...been playing since mid 2001, have fun an enjoy what you have
04-Oct-2013 21:36:08