
Lore Campfire - Answers Thread is locked

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Mod John A

Mod John A

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@Mod John A: Some new posts have been placed on the Red Axe V suggestion thread, if you haven't seen. :P

I will make sure to take a look tomorrow! :)

27-Jun-2013 19:25:01 - Last edited on 27-Jun-2013 19:25:19 by Mod John A

Mod Osborne

Mod Osborne

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I have a question in regards to the god emissaries. I'm wondering if they will play active roles in any future content or be static characters with other new/old followers getting the spotlight instead. Especially in regards to Sliske which only really has Relomia + players.

The emissaries need to stay where they are for mechanical reasons, but future content will be checking the allegiances you made with the emissaries. That'll affect content on a large scale! I imagine that Sliske will have something to say about Relomia, and Zaros might have a few words about his.

27-Jun-2013 19:25:01

Mod John A

Mod John A

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With the Edicts gone, will Bandos personally try to get revenge after his defeat in The Chosen Commander?

With the Edicts gone he'll certainly grab the chance to return.

27-Jun-2013 19:29:01

Mod Raven

Mod Raven

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1. What was Guthix's gender as a Naragi and after ascending to godhood? What does this say about the other gods (Elder gods included)?

Guthix is male, as he portrayed himself in god form. Almost all the other gods portray themselves as the gender they were before ascension, with a possible couple of weird cases (I'm looking at you weird crystal god).

The elder gods are all considered female, although such gender distinction is likely irrelevant in their case.

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2. Pikkupstix mentions that one of his many apprentices, Lunatrix, went mad after attempting to commune with the 'elder spirits'. Who/What are the Elder spirits and do they have any relation to the Elder gods?

The elder spirits are not the elder gods, they're more like do I put version of the familiar (I think that's the most accurate way of putting it). Sort of like the pure essence of what a Wolptertinger is.

I hope that explains it.

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3. Were all of the Elder artefacts uncovered by the gods or are some still hidden?

Some are still hidden.

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4. Exactly how many Elder artefacts have passed through our hands?

It's a bit tricky to give an exact figure, but for the moment let's say about 4 and leave it at that. ;)

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5. What is Icthlarin and Death's relationship? Do they work together?

We'll be uncovering more of this in the Missing Presumed Death quest, but the two of them have a good, I would say, working relationship. Certainly their roles meet, but aren't at odds with one another.

= Raven =

27-Jun-2013 19:31:59

Mod Osborne

Mod Osborne

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3. Is there any chance Armadyl may be out for revenge with Saradomin after the whole amulet thing and helping to push the aviansie to extinction? (I personally would love to see this happen, it’d make me tempted to switch to Armadyl’s faction)
4. Was it really just Zamorak who destroyed the majority of the wilderness? Before the origins video it had been thought that each god did their fair share of destruction.
5. Have we heard of the elder horn (or seen or touched it) in its current state in game?
6. In the latest BTS you said the gameworlds will be fundamentally different for each player, a few players (myself included) are still a little confused by this, can you give any kind of example on how so? I’ve thought that the plans for each god will be the same, but how we impact them will be different based on our choices in quests.

--one for Mod Osbourne, you once said that your favorite god is a character that has yet to become one- you’ve also shown you are fond of Sliske- is Sliske your favorite god????? More importantly, is he a god yet??? (I understand if you don’t answer)

Thank you guys so much for doing these campfire things, it really is great. I look forward to seeing the new content you guys are planning!

Some great questions there!

3) We have some fantastic plans for Armadyl, but he won't come back with revenge in mind. It's worth noting that he has changed, and quite fundamentally - it will even alter his visuals.

4) You're right in a sense - gods have damaged the Wilderness through war and their magicks. But Zamorak's use of the Stone of Jas was so widespread and damaging that it cut into the anima mundi itself. That's what woke Guthix.

5) You have heard of it ingame.

6) I'm so sorry for being vague. It really is so you can enjoy it yourselves. You will be able to make community choices in world events that will affect solo quest content. The characters in the quest, the choices they offer and their dialogue will change. It's then likely that solo content will reskin other events.

And you're right about Sliske. I'm a fan. That doesn't make me wrong, does it?

So pleased you're here and showing interest in the campfire!

27-Jun-2013 19:32:43

Mod Raven

Mod Raven

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1. Will we ever see Lucien returning?

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No...he dead. He very dead. He dead as dead can be.

tl:dr No...he dead...

= Raven =

27-Jun-2013 19:34:12

Mod Osborne

Mod Osborne

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7. Will the Dragonkin participate in the God Wars? Will they forfill their prophecy soon?

Well, the dragonkin are forming one of our three pillar storylines in the Sixth Age, so they very much are participating. They're only getting stronger - I wonder what happens when the dragonkin become as powerful as a god?

27-Jun-2013 19:34:12

Mod Osborne

Mod Osborne

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8. Will the Ramokee chose a side and will the polypore monsters aid a god? Will any Daemonheim personalities be involved?

There are no active plans for the ramokee or polypore in the Sixth Age, but it's worth noting that Zamorak, being at the bottom of Daemonheim, likely will wake to find a few followers that are available to him. I don't think the monsters of Daemonheim will stay there permanently.

27-Jun-2013 19:37:45

Mod Osborne

Mod Osborne

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One question per post eh?

How about this with 2?

Are we a false user of the Stone of Jas (SoJ)?

Are the Dragonkin able to be reasoned with?

Is the player a false user? Oh yes, they most definitely are.

Are the dragonkin able to be reasoned with? Some of them are.

27-Jun-2013 19:39:15

Mod Osborne

Mod Osborne

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10. With Death you made holiday events canon. Will we ever see War, Pestilence, Famine and others from Deathcon II? Are they GoG's like Death?

Haha, no! They're not GoGs I am afraid! As much as I'd love for one man and his chicken to be defending Guthix. My feeling is that they're reserved for holiday content (did like them though)

27-Jun-2013 19:40:22

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