We should have been allowed to vote against this. Abstaining from voting is not the same as saying this never should have happened.
First you break your promise about never allowing Real life income to affect gameplay. Now you're bringing out content from 5.5 years ago that was bad then and worse now in the Post Eoc.
You claimed that all the micro transactions were going to pay for you all to have more staff and allow you to churn out more new content. This isn't new and I'm glad I didn't pay for it.
Seriously its like having Kobe beef smothered in dung. You had something good, why'd you cover it up with crap? Reply
Okay, so it's not a usual thing when someone posts something as stupid as this to make me log into the forums just to comment on there opinions, but this took the cake.
First of all, Runescape was at its prime in 07, take the players from 07/Post07 who have a slight bit even of sense and they will tell you how wrong you are in so many ways. Why do you think back in 07 there wasn't just 70k-100k online at once? There were actually more like 400k+ online at most times, how do you want to explain that? Oh wait, the economy was better in 07 right? Haha.
If you could read in the slightest bit, the reason they made the return of 07scape was because they FOUND SOME BACKUPS WHILE KNOWING IT WAS IN AND ALWAYS WILL BE IN POPULAR DEMAND.
Oh man, no new content released on Evo of Fail in a week? You must have just recently returned whilist forgetting to cancel your membership. This has happend more than once, and just because your failscape isn't getting all the attention, you get upset. Shows how babied you've been by this madness as some would say.
Next time use your brain when commenting and maybe I won't need to log-in again.
26-Feb-2013 23:20:17