I think players have just lost sight of Jagex objectives and perseverance. Yeah maybe they did fk up a little, but seriously do so many people "NEED" or "FEEL" to express their emotions to such an event. People are losing sight yeah maybe a large majority of those players are botters. Botters are players to "IN other ways" Technically speaking. They are just cheaters made up of code that we "LIVING PEOPLE" create to suit our needs, don't blame the bots, blame the People that create the bots. Instead of complaining about it set a more positive role in this Community, giving up such emotions. The Bots only win if you let it get to you. And people who give so much emotions into them must have too much time on their hands. If you gotta problem gossip about it... just not on here where Jagex has an event-thread that has nothing to do with bots it doesn't discuss them, discuss it elsewhere no point in spamming this thread >.>
Yeah Players, but seriously this is some cool stuff it shows that the Community is growing as a whole and this is awesome new cultures, new people to talk to, lots of topics to discuss!
19-Jun-2012 17:10:27