I suggest sending this through a mailinglist instead. It's time you start sending *-mails to the people who ticked the appropriate box when typing their *-**** adress. You could use some nice fonts and a background as well.
I'd love to read about upcoming projects to be honest. Include a paragraph in which you post Developer Blogs. Not like the blogs you post on the mainpage, but just some small hints and confirmations on updates. Like: F2P skillcapes won't come after all, because... Or: We plan to start work on a clan system. Something along those lines. Just some small insight.
This also gets people involved who have quit or take a break for some time. Some people might have quit, but return to the game as they are reading some nice things.
I would sign up for a monthly mail.
There could be a forum where everyone posts their contents for this mail.
Pictures are a big deal in my opinion. I wouldn't like plain text, and Im not going to be bothered reading it as long as it is some kind of stupid forumthread.
It's either an official mail letter, or nothing.
Been away for years, thought this game would be a mess, turns out it's as good as I remember if not better.
14-Aug-2009 16:59:46
- Last edited on
14-Aug-2009 17:03:01