Ummm... non-warring clans would have been good to add, I'm pretty sure they have been a little influenced by some stuff for warring clans. (like an increase in other clans after the wildy was removed.
It was a good read, and well put together too.
Like the above post, I agree that non-warring clans would have been a good addition. Only thing is, I am guessing that during the very early stages of clan development in RuneScape, for the most part it must have been based around warring/combat.
(¸.•'(¸.• Vivek333~
Wonder why they didn't fit clans (rather teams, though) like Brut/UL/Aggression/etc in the 'Old' Wildy category
No ones gives a rat's ass about multi-warring teams. It's imo the most boring way to pick a 'PKing' career.
Single requires skill, teamwork with friends.
Multi requires a lot of screaming on TS/Vent lol.
Also, no comment on my rant sofar? My clan never got a plaque for winning the jagex community cup.
An epic feet, 75 vs 86 us outnumbered ending 36 - 0
We had our name briefly in the news, with it being miss spelled.
Titans Revolution
Give us a plaque
24-Mar-2011 14:21:28
- Last edited on
24-Mar-2011 14:24:11
Admac you didnt even understand what I said. I want talking about time and not the memberbase.
I can only speak for what I know but when wilderness was taken out many clans went from 100-200 members down to mere shells of what they were.
Quite a few clans closed. Many of the top 10 stayed intact. It was a rough time for clans.
I'm sorry to say, but most of all these other clans you guys mention fail in comparison to wars between gladz,ds,di,td,bk etc...
Most of the information was taken from tipit and runescape community I assume, so the content is informed.
ds is and forever will be the best clan runescape has ever seen..
Is being in a persistent vegetative state technically alive? I always forget how the courts ruled on that. I guess no one has pulled the feeding tube for Gladz, for whatever that's worth.