Mod Nexus: Are you looking forward to RuneFest
Andrew: Yes, absolutely, going to meet all the players again but it'll be a little more free-form this year and I'll try to have a good time, chat to people and play the game. I expect to spend more time interacting with players.
Cigaro SOAD:*reply to Andrew* ok are you going to meet all of the players if I live in the U.S.A., and i can't afford the money or time to go to RuneFest?
<3 Andrew. The classic moments will always be some of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. I'm truly thankful that you created such a fantastic game back then, that allowed me and my friends to spend countless of hours without ever getting bored.
i love this kind of D.log
the old rs history , creation,time,etc
i came when rs hd was release 2008 lol
our Gods! Andrew & Paul
simplicity,pure content, the first year of runescape.
16-Sep-2011 19:40:13
- Last edited on
16-Sep-2011 19:43:52
Thank you very much for the development log. I started playing at the beginning of 2002 and am glad classic has been temporarily reopened.
Quick question for Andrew (perhaps to be answered sometime at Runefest or at a later date). I remember from a very early interview that you designed Runescape as a game that you would want to play. Do you have a non-Pmod account that you still play on?