im unsure how to post a new thread, but no matter what world (p2p) i go into, theres bots everywhere. i have reported the same bots over 3 months ago, yet they are still around. Its strange how rs can make updates yet they seem to be failing on getting rid of bots. i mean why report them when nothing gets done, its totally unfair to those of us that dont cheat and want to have fun playing the game. They had a bot nuking last year why not do this again? Ive reported bots at ankous, turoths, blue dragons, yet these same bots are still there. whats the sence of reporting them if NOTHING seems to be done? Rs staff is fast to act on threats or cussing ready to mute those for this rule breaking yet to report a cheating bot, also a rule breaking offence NOTHING is being done. I pay my money to be a member to help Me have fun and make money yet with these bots its taking ALOT of fun away from game play. What steps can we take now to get rid of these cheating, rule breaking persons using bots?? It seems NOTHING will be done How fair is this to those that dont break rules or cheat?? Its UNFAIR. At least give Us an explanation why these rule breakers are still around even through the numerous reports on them???
15-May-2012 16:26:52