Everyone is aware of this situation, please take my word for it. Jagex are currently working on methods to eliminate the massive amounts of cheaters in game. If you come across a user using third party software to gain an advantage in game use the report feature and report the user for 'macroing, or use of bot'
Jagex will investigate the user and if found to be using third party software will be dealt with accordingly. Posting on the forums regarding the issue isn't going to help anyone, just make the forums more cluttered and full of spam. Although, I understand your frustration posting on such threads created my the J - Team is not the best idea, it can result in your post being hidden & action taken against your forum priveledges.
Just some friendly advice, please only post constructive that pertain to the thread and OP.
Just some friendly advice,
29-May-2012 04:24:10