"Mod Nexus: Is there anything you'd do differently if you started again?
Andrew: All the things I would do differently I did with RuneScape 2. I'd do the combat differently and I did; I'd do the PKing mechanic differently but, again, I did. In fact that changed several times throughout the history of RuneScape Classic anyway. Originally everybody was a PKer and you could kill anyone, anywhere, except Lumbridge. Then we introduced a system where you had a flag to engage in PKing or not, which worked quite well. Then we introduced the area based PVP in the Wilderness. "
There is still one thing I do not understand why it has not been fixed- the block world! What I'm talking about is trees taking up a fixed area of, say, 4 to 9 tiles, with 2x2 and 3x3 trees.
To be more realistic (and I know this seems extremely far-fetched), I would like for trees and such objects to have a *circular* floor area, while still having the interact area largely unchanged. (Idea from Age of Empires III)
This creates some issues, understandably, such as the forests of Isafdar. If trees were to have circular area bases, then so should a player- that way, developers could create a code where if the smallest distance between the two trees was smaller than the player's circular floor area, then the player could not pass the trees. The "dense forest" that players are able to pass through would be a little less dense than the rest of the forest and still need an agility level to pass.
This also creates an issue with the general design of runescape, with everything being composed of tiles.
I understand that doing something such as this would need a completely new game engine and game code, but should still be tried out.
To try this idea out, developers could create a Beta version of just Lumbridge and call it RS3-B. All players would be able to check it out, and if a large majority of them like it, maybe slowly write out the game code and release a new small area a week.
Anyone support the idea?
22-Sep-2011 01:54:00