This is disappointing. 15k posts in disagreement with recent updates, and the past... 11 days have been absolute turmoil on the forums since the GJA announcement from you.
People have been accusing you of RWT, of sucking up to investors, of having a conspiracy to crash RS and move to Stellar Dawn, posted ASCII art of you as Mr. Krabs, and made all sort of hatred.
On the flip side of CONSTRUCTIVE concerns (like Moe), we've had people seeing forum moderators who call Jagex out on game issues lose their modship, have watched bots sail out of control, have looked into all of the business issues such as shareholder, bad economies, worries that you will actually bring us into RWT, etc etc, and other than an obscure couple of posts from Mod Mat K which vaglue answer us without any really new info, we've been entirely ignored. No posts from Emilee, no chance to discuss any alternatives for the RAF, no posts from Nexus, nothing.
If you're still reading the forums and this, know that a lot of the loyal playerbase (the ones who've been here for years, and who want to be around for years) are angry and a bit scared of what's happening, MMG. We don't want this game turned into another MMO where people buy advantages, and the RAF is tightening the cords on our necks. There's an XP boost, and while in THEORY it's a nice little reward for bringing in friends, it's actually just being heavily abused by people paying extra membership for more XP. In fact, Mod Nexys OPENLY admitted it could be abused, and TOLD US HOW TO ABUSE IT, saying there would be no action taken against us.
We want more interactions, more responses, and more action. We know it's not possible to always please everyone all of the time, and we know there's plenty of players who don't care about things like the RAF, but most of the silent ones this time ALREADY cheat and buy gold, or are casual and don't know or care. The faithful customers this time are against this new movement in business.
23-Aug-2011 16:35:34