I guess if you're his representative, Mat, then might I ask that for the public on Recent Updates on that sticky, you take time (or have someone else COMPLETELY familiar with the situation if you don't have the time), post extensively as to why the RAF was needed, particularly with the XP? Nexu's answers were truly lacking.
He said that cosmetic items would encourage people to abuse it to get the items. (People are WAY more likely to abuse this to buy XP)
Emilee said that Loyalty points would be unbalanced (again, those are only used for very minor PvM bonuses, or cosmetics, WAY less unbalanced than this massive XP bonus)
And finally I believe it was you who said that it's not that much. Overall, I guess not. However, in buyable skills like herblore, prayer and construction, a rich enough person could get 99 in all 3 of those in a single week, and save nearly 100 million gold AND get it done faster. In many cases, it's more powerful than a Bonus XP Weekend because:
1. It's a week rather than 3 days
2. It doesn't cancel other boosts, so that means the Guilded altar can be used for prayer.
3. Summoning on BXPW is 10% anyways, so that means there is NO drawback and it's entirely superior to use this on summoning.
4. This works with Effigies, which are already ridiculously massive XP.
Also, some people took looks at released financial records from Jagex which showed that despite this past year or 2 being shaky in the business world, profits have gone up more than ever. It hardly looks like you NEED the increased money, and even then everyone agrees that you'd probably make more money bumping membership by a dollar or something and not doing anything which hurts our gameplay experience.
And ofc bots but that's just...always an issue. We REALLY hope you actually make a notable improvement soon. That would DRAMATICALLY help your leeway with customers on issues like RAF and gimmicks.
But yeah...any chance of an open-ended response on RAF sticky for the public soon?
23-Aug-2011 16:52:19