What rule does that break?
You may create more than one account, but if you do, you may not log in more than one account at any time, and they must not interact with each other in any way. This includes 'drop trading' or any other method of item transfer.
Far more serious than that rule is the rule against real world trading.
1. What is real-world trading?
Real-world trading is the term used for the real-world purchase of services with the intention of advancing your Jagex character. This includes, but is not limited to: purchasing gold or items in RuneScape, buying a RuneScape account, increasing your account's experience (XP) in a skill, or completion of quests and activities.
When a player uses Refer-a-Friend to refer one of their accounts to get the 10% bonus on another of their accounts for the purpose of acquiring that 10% bonus, that is real world trading.
Whether or not Jagex intended that, it IS real world trading.
Will this be used often? Certainly it will.
Competitive players will feel they have to use it to stay competitive. They will prepare for a frenzied week of activity and get that 10% bonus.
Is it worth it to them? It certainly is for some skills, in particular, for prayer, herblore, and summoning. These are the skills that come in two stages. The first stage is gathering resources, a stage that can be shortened by buying them. You can't buy the resources for summoning, but you can for the others. Players will stock up and do the final stage during a 10% bonus week. Other skills like fletching and cooking also benefit from this, but to a lower extent since the resources needed for them are cheap and will be bought instead of gathered. Still, for those, a savings of 10% of time is worth the one-month membership fee.
23-Aug-2011 17:58:42